
Mine, cause I park there...

In the college I go to I have one of the nicest non-faculty rides (not counting the occasion I drive my toy) and it's just an '07 Silverado. Though the fact it's a community college in the second poorest county of Virginia might have something to do with it.

They can only take it as evidence, but since it is privet property and does not fall into the category of illegal contraband, such as drugs would, they have to return it after the court date, which in VA is usually not that long, a month or so maybe, at least where I live. And, I suppose if you don't contest and just

Got my 72 Vette in April of '01, so, almost 11 years.

No more happy little trees, Mr. Ross is no longer with us. Sad tree is sad.

While you are correct, I just wanted to mention that it was supposed to be only in California, not just available anywhere, but required there. It was a stop-gap to get the Vette to pass Cali's stricter emission laws. Although, I've heard "rumors" that some odd folk outside of Cali may have requested them, but that

I saw the headline and said, "Oh, so about 50 pounds then." 66 pounds? I see they've put a bit on.

Of course not, rope would be real...

Bugs Bunny always applies.

Yeah, I think they fell off the face of the Earth. I know what you mean, I think just about every radio station in the world played the hell out of it. I was about that age too, and remember the local station that was kept on at work (easy listening) played it at lest twice per shift for a while. It's strange, the

Ohhhh, yeah, I know them, just haven't seen many pics of them. And I see that damn rodent made off with another pic, so I'll just tell you that I put up a pic of Ace of Base. I'm a child of the 80's and 90's soooo, uhhh, yeah...

This is exactly what I wanted to say, but checked the comments first. +++10000000000


Yes and no. On my last trip to N.Y. in my Vette (heavily modded 72) with my best friend and fellow car enthusiast, we encountered both. The ass hat in a 3 series was a woman who came up behind us in fairly heavy traffic on RT. 1 in Delaware while Ray was driving. We were doing 90, and he saw her come up so he punched

Nibbles ate my pic; I had this up originally. I have no idea who those folks are.

Wow, it's been five years already, Matt? Congratulations!!

Convo-Pro's on the front!?!?! Crazy! Wait, what happened? What wheels?

"for race/off-road use only." If you live somewhere crappy like California, N.J., etc. I see no problems where I live...

Unfortunately, when I think of Swedes, this is what pops into my head. Take from that what you will.