
"we wonder how many readers under twenty-five have ever seen a pipe cleaner in real life"

It's probably the investigators marking them after determining the order they crashed in.

Ummm, 9 of 10 were SUV/truck and the one car is the Camaro, which has been out for a year. Can't say about the availability of most of the others, since I pay no mind to such things.

In case of spin, both feet in...and both thumbs out!!!!!!!

I, too, was going to throw this one into the ring. Scary for us guys with classic iron.

Those things defy the purpose of putting camber in the suspension alignment in the first place.

Well...even as a Corvette nut, I had no idea that was a Corvette in the pic until I read your caption, Skay. I'm not quite so bad as to not have known there was a car, but I paid no mind to it.

Stupid Toyota. Although "November to Remember" doesn't roll of the tongue quite as well, it's close enough that they might as well have used it. In fact I may trademark that...

Very awesome, but can someone translate strassenversion for the rest of us American mortals? Thanks

Damn it nibbles, get back on your wheel!!

2nd: Water's wet and the sky is blue, will Elon Musk get a clue?

I'm aware, I about shit when I pulled the issue out of the mailbox and saw it. But the crazy thing is it actually made some power. Their baseline of 274.3 lb-ft of torque at 2,878 rpm and 213.6 hp at 4,463 rpm went up to 303 lb-ft at 3,234 rpm and 237.1 hp at 4,587 rpm and it did break a pound of boost. Completely

I'll see your electric turbo and raise you a pair of gas powered blowers.


Wait...answering the door naked is illegal? Damn it, you mean I'm actually gonna have to start listening to the Jehovah's Witnesses?

Wow, that's actually brilliant. Kudos to whomever came up with that idea.

Ahhh, yes. It is in my queue, but my queue is large and it hasn't had it's turn yet. Thanks for the enlightenment.

Sorry, I don't get the reference, but probably an assload, he's a big boy.

My best friends older brother was a bit of a trouble maker. He and a couple friends went around town (Chicoteague, VA) one night and cut ALL the meters down with a large pipe cutter. I asked him what he did with them and he replied "We left 'em, otherwise it would be stealing, and we don't do that." Nothing like