
Dirt Bag is pretty much 90% Kardashians and Real Housewives now; it’s so skip-able. These days I basically just scan the bolded names then close the tabs when I don’t find anyone there who rises above the level of quasi-celebrity. Most days I don’t find a single item in Dirt Bag worth concerning myself with. That’s

For you my dear one, anytime!

Blofeld would throw this fuckstick to the rabies-infected piranhas.

Candyland. Its definitely Ivanka candyland

id would totally believe it. I think the fortune of Putin, for example, is basically incalculable. 

Just picking a couple tidbits from your quotes. Holy crap, is he a mess.

“Muh medieval age of consent”

The one big weakness about the super wealthy is their fear of exposure. It appears Epstein would insert himself into the lives of wealthy people and act as their ‘fixer’. After taking care of whatever nasty business he was hired to do, he would turn around and become their worst nightmare, because now he has kompromat

yeah, i read that article in teh last few days and its crazy. It seems like Bear STearns was really mobbed up if you look at the links b/n Ace Greenberg and all the seeming money laundering going on under his watch.

There’s a good article on Vanity Fair called ‘The Talented Mr Epstein’ which writes about his early mentoring days with Ponzi scheme master Steven Jude Hoffenberg, his Bear Stearns SEC investigations, and his masterful slipping away from years of assorted grifting. The article stops just before he got into the

Every single one of those guys has previously uttered the words “actually, it’s about ethics in gaming journalism.”

He probably calls it “chest.”

His collection is old enough that he wouldn’t be sexually aroused by it at this point.

His collection is old enough that the photos were on CD to start with, because that's how people used to do things before thumb drives were invented.

I’m pretty sure that if a person voted for Trump, they’re not all that bothered by kid-raping. 

There’s definitely a murder room in that house. 

“the difference between pedophilia and ephebophilia.”

There are differences, sure. If you enjoy splitting semantic hairs. 

The similarity though? THEY’RE BOTH ILLEGAL AS FUCK  

Of course not.

“insurance policy” springs to mind.