
Books to recommend (I read voraciously):

Heart breaking.  I would have LOVED to see his interpretation of the Ghost of Christmas Future.  Think he would have brought a lot to the part. 

It would be most honorable if done right.

These all sound greeeeat.

Too many tears, not enough rain. You’ve earned your journey’s end...

I can’t find a reference at the moment but didn’t he ad-lib a big part of this speech?

I’ve been watching that scene on repeat.

theres someting in my eye

“I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.

I love YA books year round, but particularly as summer reading. The ones I would most recommend right now are:

Looking for a fun read? I just self-published a trashy novel! A really big deal to me — I’ve been working on it for years in stolen half hours when I’m not taking care of my kids or working to support my family (single mom). It’s a dark romance (that means like 50 Shades — but, in my opinion, better written) set in a

There are already places on Earth where women are scarce, but they are not more powerful for that. Not in the least. They get trafficked all the more, treated like commodity all the more. And any chance at political and economic power is gone.

But...why would they? The only reason dudes learned to pee sitting down is because women demand it. Without women, life would be a non-stop frat party in a national forest, amirite?

I follow an instagram account where women, anonymously, vent about their boyfriends/husbands. There a SO MANY absolutely helpless, useless, clueless men out there!

I dunno...I think that the knowledge that humanity will go extinct soon would cause enormous upheaval in society.

What? Lolita isn’t the origin of the phrase “light of my life.” It’s an idiom that’s been around since at least the time of Euripides. It’s a perfectly normal thing for a dad to say about his daughter. Hell, that’s even Merriam-Webster’s example of the its use: “His daughter is the light of his life.”

What if The Road but girl?

My guess is, this movie will only be about 15 mins. long,as the men will simply die off due to sitting around and watching porn all day.

I just want to say you don’t even have to develop young for old men to be creepy. I was an extremely late bloomer and my 7th grade math teacher was a perv to the early developed friend but also to us not yet developed students. Same in high school, also a math teacher. I think men are just creeps and use boobs or