
At this point, I have no tolerance for any type of “disaffected” voter. If they can’t be counted on to do the bare minimum to stop fascism, they need to sit down and STFU.

Of all the batshit looniness in that rant, this line might be the most quintessentially Trump. He’s simultaneously touting social media in terms of its importance and lackthereof.

he’s definitely slipping a finger in the bum “accidentally” to see the reaction

“... and I can see by your expression that I was only joking.”

I didn’t even have big boobs (still barely rockin’ that b-cup, if I still even wore bras), have always been chubby, and had braces all through high school.

Combine that with his embrace & hosting of that utter creepshow of far-reichwing wackadoo web conspiracist ghouls.... Even uglier portents.

Jesus fucking Christ.

Every time I cringe at my own predilection for mentioning my academic credentials as if they lend weight to anything other than my ego (and mostly, they do not), I’m going to look at that, “...rather than what you have now, so good looking and smart! A true Stable Genius!” tweet and remind myself

Would I have become President without Social Media? Yes (probably)!

Yeah, that was always the excuse I bought when I was in secondary school.  

What would you say is the appropriate response in that situation? I haven’t 100% ruled out having children and have a big tendency for kicking off at awful people in public :/

Happy birthday to her. I’ll be. 40 next week and remember Mom having such trouble finding me things Madonna didn’t wear. It’s hard enough bein a tween without the grown men, gag, looking you over.

I’ve noticed that people will call their infant sons “little man” but still call their adult daughters “little girl.” Drives me nuts.

My Sister-in-law’s whole life revolves around sex and beauty. While I was bathing my 4 year old niece, my SIL appraised her toddler body saying, “She has good lines.” I’ll never forget it. She was 4! She was her stepmom, so it was like assessing her husband through his offspring’s potentially sexiness. What a mind

I remember some boys about my age or a little older catcalling me when I was 12. (I’d started developing early but my boobs were about an A or even AA.) I don’t remember thinking “I’m just a kid,” but I did wish they’d stop so I could walk down the street like a normal person. At least I didn’t get that kind of

They know we’re thinking, “who’s next?” and arguing about the odds on Uncle Fred bc he's got to be half dead already. 

Older relatives are probably weird all the time, and you just happen to see them mostly at funerals (or weddings...they’re pretty weird at weddings, too).

Same. This made me tear up. To be fair, many women treated me just as badly though. It was a lonely and confusing time. 

And those two men, hopefully, died of autoerotic asphyxiation in cheap flop house rooms penniless and alone.

That is fucking horrifying.