
They probably have a certain amount of fifteen minute slots available per hour, and they get filled up fast with other pre orderers. 

Way, way too many people think ordering on the phone or online means “skipping ahead.” When somebody calls for “just a salad” and I tell them the quote time is 40 minutes, they lose it because they’re thinking like someone who’s physically in the restaurant. Yeah, you order on the phone you go in the queue, customer.

Vincent Price ALWAYS gave a serious performance--I don’t mean dour, he knew when to camp it up--but he always respected the character he played. The most watchable scene in that film is when he’s having that sarcastic conversation with his wife and you just KNOW everything you need to about this relationship.

“Knock it off, kiddo. Read some Ann of Green Gables.”


I’m glad he was, though.

It sounds like Hilldale in The Haunting of Hill House.

There was one a few years ago with a headless ghost walking on prairie railroad tracks that had a kind of guiding light in front of it that has stuck with me ever since.

I kind of like a blend, like the story with the little girl with goat hooves in the urban apartments.

God, I get stuck cleaning out my work’s fridge on the regular, and the grossest moldiest shit is always somebody’s half eaten purchased lunch. Why bother taking it with you, people? Just chuck it! You’re not gonna eat it!

Ugh, no park eating for me, as I will be instantly surrounded by creepy guys making disgusting comments.

What kind of loser dealer hangs around the grade school anyway? What sixth grader has enough on them to regularly purchase nefarious substances? Anybody with a brain hangs at the high school, 7-11 parking lot or mall, where disposable income having youths are bored and looking to party.

Turned out Spot was addicted to the pettings. So sad!

Stole it from their folks, I’m guessing. And if they were all kids, they probably offered it around to look cool.


A human one?