I’ve been waiting 22 years for this clip to be relevant, and now it finally has happened!
I’ve been waiting 22 years for this clip to be relevant, and now it finally has happened!
What? Skinny-doughy is the ultimate aphrodisiac. That’s what my wife says before going back to staring longingly at that poster of Jason Momoa she taped to the ceiling above our bed.
Yeah Moby, if that was the best picture I had from dating Natalie Portman, I wouldn’t be surprised if she regretted it too.
I was going to talk about the gorgeous guy I was working with and fucking around with for most of 2002-2003, but that story’s boring.
Yup, LA is well known for having stable ground. It’s not like there are dozens of active fault lines there. . . .
And that bringing your own vehicle is just bad resource utilization, much better with one specialized going between certain optimal nexuses.
Developments seem to occur every 6 months. That will open the door to the realization that chaining multiple passenger units to a single motorized unit is even more efficient.
Cheaper with less capacity doesn’t exactly represent a win win.
How long before they decide that pavement is liable to potholing and rutting, and invent some sort of extruded steel sections for the vehicles to run on, to ensure the vehicles have a smoother, longer-lasting track to travel on?
You are living a Hallmark movie dream. Now you get to open a quaint B&B in a sleepy little town that is harboring a dark secret.
Yes definitely contact UK authorities. If they allowed him to travel and knew he's a dual citizen, then they won't mind your hypervigilance. If they didn't know, now they will.
Lucky there were abortions for which to pay.
I started casually seeing a guy I was unsure about, but kept getting drawn in because our chemistry was so strong. After seeing him a handful of times and talking/messaging every day for a month or so, he tells me he’s going out of town for a long weekend. I was a little bummed that he didn’t ask me to join him for 3…
I was with my ex for 2.5 years and during that time, we would break up and get back together a lot. For the first year, we weren’t “together” so every break up seemed final. I break up with him and start dating this younger guy who is hot and sweet and nerdy. Turns out this guy is best friends with my ex’s cousin. My…
omfg if this isn't the winner i will FLING myself off my roof
It ended with a surprise paternity suit for me.
I’m going to visit my grandfather’s grave after I attend the Memorial Day remembrance at his cemetery. While it’s not on his death certificate, aftereffects from his war service were largely what killed him a few years later.
My plan is wasting it, because I’m freaking exhausted. I had a weekend competition last weekend and have another next weekend, plus I’m in the middle of a temporary promotion at work that comes with 2 hour roundtrip commute every day.
Have a variety of books going at once, but not too many. There is a point where having too many partially read books (that you’re “going to get back to someday”) lying around becomes overwhelming and you give up and you’re back to reading nothing. Admit to yourself when you’ve quit a book and take it out of the pile.…