
Emily wasn’t afraid to basically say that those horrible people you know aren’t going to get better; in fact, they’re probably going to double down on the shittiness. She and Anne in The Tenant of Wildfell Hall really just did not pull punches on their terrible male characters.

I have a feeling Jesus is going to have some especially choice words for these folks.

If the reproductive urge weren’t overwhelming, especially in a species that reproduces sexually, we’d have died out back in our “just flopped onto the beach” days. Sexual reproduction takes enormous amounts of energy and presents all sorts of truly dire dangers. If we didn’t want to fuck and nurture young as much as


I was just reading an Op-Ed in today’s Seattle Times where the writer, Monica Hesse at the Washington Post, perfectly describes our country: “Plenty of folks  are willing to treat fetuses as precious citizens, but seem to regard the bodies that nurture them as embarrassing slums.”

I am a literal decade and change older than this evil hag and can say, in all modesty that I look at least that much younger.

I sense a revival of fifties monster films ahead!

You know this is all water from the hose behind the 7-11! God, rich people are stupid.

Maybe TPTB wanted to just lock this nutter up quick and quiet and not have a big trial where his lunatic showboating inspired others to do similar horrible things?

So basically he just focuses on whatever’s in the news?

Oh, allow me.

I would drink it while staring him right in the eye, then go over and pee one foot away from the flames.

Same reason Miller looks fifty five--evil is not the best beauty regime out there.

He is really, really bad at it. 

Young, firm, male hookers.


Basically, yeah. It’s all what you can prove and I guess they couldn’t actually produce the paper trail to him.

Que sera, sera.

We’re all going to live together in Palm Beach!