Is your point of “hey, he makes funny and informative videos about an obscure subject” make the rest of the glaring concerns about him fine or unimportant?
Is your point of “hey, he makes funny and informative videos about an obscure subject” make the rest of the glaring concerns about him fine or unimportant?
No, it wouldn’t be cheap, but when your primary business has a strong chance of those working for you to get severely hurt that’s what happens. They want to be classified as a sport, they better treat their athletes when they get hurt.
Exactly. And I think it’s silly and naive to suggest that if Charles and Camilla were to give everything up and go get jobs as cashiers at the local supermarket that the media would just forget about them and stop printing stories about their lives. This is a carnival ride none of them will ever be able to get off of.
I will never understand the idea that its ok to harass and abuse public figures just because they are public figures. Especially for stuff they did literally decades ago that didn’t hurt anyone but their own domestic unit. Like I’d get it if like, Idi Amin had a Twitter account and people were attacking that dude…
There’s so much to unpack when it comes to Americans deciding that other countries should overthrow their governments because we somehow know what’s best for the people of another nation? That’s just a new brand of colonialism, and it’s gross.
looks at game with actual historical politician in it, whines about opinion piece on the game for being political. XD
cry me a river snowflake
Don’t click on stuff that makes you uncomfortable, pally. Nobody’s forcing you to read shit here, so don’t go whining about how you don’t want free stuff you didn’t pay for. Just move on with your life, and leave these editorials to other people who enjoy them more than you do.
I lived them, it wasn’t so bad,
Everytime someone says “please keep your politics out of X” to someone it’s always pretty clear that it translates to “please spare me from the observations of another human as the idea of having my personally held beliefs challenged in any way is terrifying”.
Cut the bullshit, just say what we all know you mean - keep the politics out of it, unless it’s something I’m comfortable with.
My mom tells a story about my Nana‘s reaction to Reagan becoming president. Nana was a teen/young adult during the depression, and her dad spent day after day wandering New York, looking for a job. They were dirt poor until about 1947.
Then stop reading it. Maybe be an adult with willpower for once in your miserable life.
This isnt a review of a game, it’s an editorial. Maybe the fact you can’t even discern that is proof enough you weren’t paying attention in the 80s.
“Are you even old enough to know what happened in the 80s”
Are you seriously demanding that people not talk about politics when the game has COLD WAR in the title?!?!? C’mon, dude. At some point, it’s on YOU to not read something if it triggers you too much...
Hm. I’ve never thought about it in the dumbest possible way before, so thanks for opening up my eyes to that take.
>I< lived them, it wasn’t so bad
You can’t make a game that lionizes an American president and say it isn’t political.
“I lived them, it wasn’t so bad” - probably because you’re the exact type of person Reagan and his administration liked - a white, straight, neurotypical , middle class American man. I know it’s the big scary no-no word these days, but y’know what that’s called? Privilege. It’s best you start recognizing you lived a…
From the word go, Call of Duty was always the slightly creepier, more jingoistic take on ‘historic’ AAA shooters. Early on, it was likely just a way to distinguish itself from Medal of Honor’s more Spielbergian approach to identical subject matter. But as time’s gone on and Call of Duty delved into more contemporary…