
Ehh, I think one trip to Facebook is enough to show that people are perfectly capable of being dicks with their real name on full display. The real problem is that few platform holders are willing to hand out any sort of punishment. Every banned account is one less account to mine for data, and one less pair of eyes

Social media is nothing if not proof people will happily be toxic even with their real name and picture next to it and their friends and family able to see it.

Yikes this is a bad take. It’s just a harmless, cute, simple effort to get young democrats energized and motivated. Stop with the angry, cynicism.

I just want to chime in and say FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOUR PRIVILEGE. Bitching about Biden is a luxury a lot of us don’t get because OUR LIVES ARE AT STAKE.

Preaching incrementalism while the building is burning down around you, and arguing over whether to use the expired fire extinguisher on the corner, or maybe call the fire department, isn’t dignified statecraft at work.

Exhausted?! I don’t know your orientation, Ian, but all my gay friends are now worried that their marriages are going to get flushed down the toilet because Trump has reshaped the Supreme Court for a generation. I’m about to loose my right to choose, and as a survivor of a childhood disease (aplastic anemia—I had a

His second paragraph is the MOST correct.

To be someone who is not impacted by Trump, talk about a charmed life. I’ll tell my family in Venezuela about how hard you have choosing who to vote for while they wait all day in line for gas or the chance to buy a god damn chicken.

Animal Crossing Biden was very hard to corral for this photo, which I assume can be said of the real Biden too.”

Well put, but he won’t care. Because they don’t. There are progressives and there are Progressives.

This article is complete horseshit. It's a fucking silly little campaign promotion in a popular game. It's completely harmless. If Bernie was the nom and did the same thing everyone would be fucking fawning over it.

Wow... you are one petty and bitter little shit, aren't you?

How dramatic. “Exhausted” really? I would be over the moon if a lump of shit was running against Trump and had as big of a lead as Biden does. I’m not even American, and even the thought of Trump no longer being President is thrilling.

YUUUUUPPPP. The whole “lesser of two evils” BS holds a lot less weight when your kid is in a cage, or your house is on fire because of climate change, or your father died from COVID (as mine did in April). And if someone doesn’t like it, I don’t really give a shit - just because you’re privileged enough to whine about

I mean this is pretty typical bullshit from someone who didn’t want Joe but also has done no research about his platforms or policy positions. I’m pretty darn far left, and Biden was very low on my list, but I’m pleased with his positions overall.

Best comment I’ve seen on here in months. 

Look...Ian...I mean this in the nicest way possible, and I say this as a fellow progressive who has tried to get people to vote for Bernie twice in a row, and this isn’t directed at you specifically but at the group you are currently representing with this article...but please, shut the fuck up.

Wow. This is probably the dumbest shit I’ve ever read on Kotaku. And I just read a Kotaku article about how devs should stop putting spiders in games because it scares people.

On top of that, he’s explicitly pledged to support the Equality Act (to codify most of the LGBTQ+ laws that SCOTUS will strike down with 6-3), codify Roe v. Wade (ditto for abortion), the House has HR 1 ready to go (to restore the Voting Rights Act and then some), eliminate the Hyde Amendment...

Oh, for... This is a ridiculous article.

The Biden campaign made a cheery and silly Animal Crossing island. It’s neat. It will change few minds (and it shouldn’t) but it’s a nice, silly diversion.

I’m sorry you’re tired (we all are, because Holy Shit this administration) but this whole article is like a festival of