
That’s even more of a reason to run like hell away from them.

I recognized him and Brad Pitt, but I had no idea who the other redneck was.

I was with my abuser for 15 years and had 3 kids with him. So......

I held the hand of a sexual assault survivor as they reported their story to the police, and then went to numerous medical exams for evidence collection. Let me tell you, you would have to be a freak to go through that process just to perpetuate a lie that someone else was making you do. The exams are horrible,

If what Ronan says is true, then Woody may have bought Moses’s “testimony”. I know that my teens turned on me really quickly in custody proceedings because their dad let them run wild and bought them stuff, even though in the previous year they hated him and wanted to live with me (I didn’t file for custody then

Rapists already have parental rights in some 30~ states. That’s not too far off the mark.

I recently picked up a Bible and found a Psalm where the priests are instructed on how to basically cast a spell to cause an abortion. So, the Bible is totally cool with abortions. And once again, I’m left scratching my head, going, “Do these people not read their own holy books?”

Stupendous Man: “He called Cera to see if Cera remembered Yi being upset about it at the time.”

“I was so eager to let Jeffrey know that he was supported in his attempt to learn, grow and apologize that I completely underestimated the feelings of the victim, another person I deeply love.”

You will note that he is again coming to Jeffrey’s defense in his apology to Jessica.

You can “talk, ask questions, and learn” without making your coworker cry. You can “ talk, ask questions, and learn” before making it so the public has to chastise you into being ashamed for gaslighting a victim. 

And here’s another take on it: Why did this learning opportunity come at Jessica Walter’s expense? Why couldn’t he just look at #metoo, which has been all over the news, looked at what Tambour is accused of doing, TO HIS OWN COWORKER, and say, “Hey, I’ve seen this in action, and it’s really shitty. We shouldn’t be

NPR did a story on dairy farmers not too long ago. The US farmers are committing suicide because they aren’t making enough money for their products. However, Canadian farmers are doing just fine. Ya know why? The government sets the price of dairy products so that it strikes a balance between consumer affordability

I’d also like to say that Trump is like Pennywise, in that he feeds on the (largely unfounded) fears of conservatives to grow stronger.

She agreed to forgive Tambor after crying and having her male coworkers dismiss her. Nowhere does Tambor ever say, “I’m sorry, Jessica.” When you hear her “forgiveness” on the audio recording, it’s resignation that not one of her coworkers except for Alia Shawkat gives a shit about how much this hurt her.

Cross (a white man) calls Cera (another white man) to see if what he said to Yi (an Asian woman) was racist. It comes off a white guy trying to get another white guy to invalidate a WOC’s experiences.

Yup. As they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

This story makes me so angry. If she were a brown person, all media outlets would be talking about how harmful her religion’s ideology is. If she were a black person, she’d have been shot when the cops went to arrest her, and she’d be dead. But we can’t bend over backwards enough for white Christians in this country.

Yeah marital rape wasn’t outlawed in a lot of states until the 90s either.