
The only thing constant is change, friend.

I honestly never liked the Tobias story lines. I liked it better when he said a funny/inappropriate line, and then left. I felt the same way about George Sr.

What’s that phrase again? “Dear Lord, please give me the confidence of a mediocre white man.”

Really, at this point Bateman’s character Michael has lost what made him integral to the story: the made him as much of a selfish asshole as everyone else. So make George Michael the moral core of the family now, and kill off Michael. Then we can get rid of Bateman.

Yeah, no. I’ve taught my daughter to keep the hell away from the kids in her class who talk about wanting to kill people. Be nice, but distant, and do whatever the hell you need to do to stay safe.

Every woman that you’ve ever dated/been interested in has dated handsome, abusive assholes over you? Every single one? What qualities are YOU bringing to the table that a woman would want? Do you hold conservative values that inherently devalue women? You are saying a lot, but not any of the important things that

I literally had to talk about this with my 24 YO son. He has a half brother who is 17, autistic, and who is upset that a girl that he liked had a boyfriend. He said that she flirted with him via text and kissed him, and he is mad that he isn’t with her. When another brother (16 YO) texted her to see what was going on,

LOL, I was just reading that procuring a completed abortion is grounds for excommunication, so I’ve got a trifecta going on!

Everytime I start to miss the community and the ritual of Catholicism that I grew up with, another abuse scandal comes out and I am quickly cured of any nostalgia I may have had.

Damn, that’s hard-core. I wonder if I can go back to where I was confirmed and get excommunicated for being a Pagan bisexual?

Basically, anything that they can even remotely pin on independent women will be pinned on them. They really want women to be at home and subservient to their men. Women who get abortions and single mothers don’t depend on men, so they are a threat to these misogynists.

God I love this reference. The first thing I thought when I heard him talking about doors is, “So we’re trading death by gun violence for death by fire now?”

“I know this may trigger you but echo chambers aren’t a health environment for responsible adults who can deal with their own shit.”

The Handmaid’s Tale’s solution is to do what this guy is proposing: forcing women to procreate with these losers.

“...this hostile reaction to science that is growing among the Left...”

Hopefully that black pill is a fungus of some sort that will deal with this problem for us.

Actually, when I look at how an increasing number of women are choosing to go without partners than settle, I think that it isn’t that women believe that they deserve higher ranking men. It’s that they are choosing to forgo relationships with bad or incompatible men in favor of personal fulfillment. There’s a lot of

The person in this article is arguing that we should cater to incels by pressuring women to have sex with them in order to stop the incels from killing women. So true, no one is currently catering to them, but the solutions these jackasses are coming up with would certainly cater to them.

You’re going about this all wrong. Call it “Alpha Male Proving Ground”. Put a bunch of wild, hungry animals in an arena, and challenge the people who think they are super tough to go in there and fight their way out. Give them spears, and say, “Geez Chad, I thought you said you were tough at the last Vikings viewing

Every single word of this is exactly right; I’ve been there too. I made my escape when my ex-husband started showing interest in a co-worker (who always cheats on her current boyfriend with the future one; she was with someone else when she and my ex got together). I had tried to run away twice before, but he always