G.O.B.: Come on!

The fuck is this shit? They blacked out the early game on FOX.

He cut his hair just to fuck with us.

@DittoBox: I wasn't referring just to the color nor implying that the 3-series is underequiped. You missed the point. The point is that the 3-series is entry level (like a Civic) and by extension the BMW brand is trend-whorish with every yuppie and their mom (like a Civic) driving around in a leased, factory vanilla,

Now playing

How does this compare to the ever classy Phillies fans?

"He compared Apple to BMW, which owned less than 5% of the world's car market, but was still one of the world's great brands."

McNabb is pulled out for...Grossman? Rex-mother-fucking-Grossman?!

So he's moved on from the purple drank to the Jell-O puu-deeeeng?

@LAIceBurg: Bull shit, they were giving fair warning to all the bitches. This actually absolves them.

Now playing

In Texas, they do burger joint fights right. Complete with fat fuck Tapout shirt bros.

@tastes_like_burning: Trying to decipher what the fuck Ozzie is saying during the post-game is an added bonus.

Thankfully, we had McCarver to explain the fundamentals of the fundamentals again tonight. We were privileged to listen to pure baseball gold like whether there was ever any other player named "Elvis" to play in a World Series game.

Fuck, I'd let her be on hand for some heat coverage so hard.

@Walk Off HBP: If only Tebow's mom had tried a little harder with a coat-hanger.

What kind of Hahvahd 'tahd gets excited ovah a formah Lakaah coming to Boston? Fahkin' faaahweathah fans.

Please not the Raiders. Keep that shit up north while we try to rid ourselves of their fanbase through the generations.

Fuck fines; suspensions are merited for the shit like Meriweather pulled.

@MikeHolySchmidt: They just hand you a Twinkie and a coupon for Crocs.