G.O.B.: Come on!

I'm more surprised by the apparent literacy of Phillies fans than anything else.

"Last night was Texas' Alamo and Bush's 9/11 all over again."

As a Dodger fan, I'm conflicted by my lifelong hatred for the Giants and my recent hatred of the Phillies.

And, of course, the other ~60% is fat guys in Tapout shirts.

@seachristie: Haha, I don't claim it's their jealousy because that comes across as cocky but it could be true. As for it being win-win, in what way? You wouldn't be alluding to some man-love scenario would you? Actually, I've picked up on it a few times where I'll be in an elevator at my university and I can tell I

Ben managed not to rape any more sorority girls during his suspension. Take pride, Steeler Nation.

As a guy, this doesn't even make me second-guess who I am. It just makes me laugh. I love baseball, pro football, college football, and hockey (in that order, fuck the Yankees), have done so since I was a kid, and I wear skinny jeans. Cardigans, too. The women I've dated not only have had no issue with that but have

@vodkanaut: Deadspin got a shout-out Sunday night (Fox, L.A., 10 p.m.) when the dong shots story finally hit the airwaves. "Fuck yeah! I comment there!"

I thought it couldn't get worse than Sweet Caroline. Fuck you for that, Boston.

I guess that playing in a shit conference demands shit musical selection.

@ChrisBerman'sStache: There's no need to soil the good name of abortion. Unless you're talking about Bob Costas.

@ChrisBerman'sStache: Still not as bad as the ridiculously stupid mini-stories that they play during half-time.

@AgnesGrep: I think it has to do with the perception/expectation that as a man, you're supposed to want it all the time. If a woman falls within a generally accepted range of what constitutes attractive, then you're supposed to go after it.

@Achiever: No flinching, no hesitation. This guy has mastered the fundamentals.

@AgnesGrep: True enough. I have made the "mistake" of not concurring in a discussion of which women at the office are attractive. There is also the "mistake" of not taking a second look at a passing woman. Either will earn you an "Aww, you're gay."

@katieupsidedown: No conscience; it's difficult to imagine how some people can ignore it so effectively. Though, he may have had one at some point. There's another coworker who has since been laid off who saw him with one of his mistresses in the parking lot and gave him shit for it. He basically told him to "think of

@Sputnik_Sweetheart: I've thought about it but it seems to me that he'll at most receive a warning at which point I will invite a shitstorm for "snitching" to HR. I suppose I could go back and report in the event of backlash but the unknowns still keep me from doing it. This is especially complicated because our