I'm curious if there are any other guys who have been pressured to take part in this kind of harassment?
I'm curious if there are any other guys who have been pressured to take part in this kind of harassment?
Now if only he would grow a ridiculous chin pelt, he could land Sara Saco.
...But the kid was an Angels fan and nothing of value was lost.
@The Baltimoron: "He went fackin' yahd on that one!"
Rape suspect or rape-rape suspect?
@egg cream: Hmm. I don't think I've ever been specifically asked to text upon getting a number. If I was specifically asked, then I would do it.
I've never texted a girl as the first communication. Never. It doesn't matter if I've met her, had a good conversation and feel that we're already interested in one another. I understand that texting might give you time to consider what you say before you respond, but I can't get over texting being wrong (see:…
@06Limer: Look at you, using big words.
@EddieSuttons SouthernComfort: You just don't understand her higher calling of blowing guys for Jesus.
@LucilleBluth: I'm not surprised. To you, I've always been the joker, the goofball, the magician.
@LucilleBluth: Mom? This is awkward.
@SayChowdaFrenchie: He accidentally roofied himself. It happens.
@BabyJane: Walmart has you covered.
@aliwanwan: Lookin' like a fool with your pants on the ground!
Nice old-man Bermuda shorts, brah'.
@anneisanne: I feel like we've made progress today with this profound dialogue.
@anneisanne: Touché. Or perhaps I'm a reckless commitaphobe whose always on the brink of ending the relationship with the metaphorical shattering of the beer bottle on the floor? The sweet, sweet beer that spills being ironic representations of bitter tears?
Not that it hasn't been established, but this is ridiculous. I hold my beer like that to keep my hand from warming my beer/my beer from cooling my hand. The former being the most important of the two concerns.
When I watched that game, I could almost taste those tears it was so fucking sweet.