G.O.B.: Come on!

@TommyAce: I've only seen it posted one other time, so it's still fresh by Deadspin's Simpson reference standard.

Hate List Update:

Self-goal by Brazil, fuck. Though they're on my hate list, I've bet on them to at least make it through this round.

@skt.smth: Agreed. That "100" in the main picture looks out of place with the classic aesthetic and like absolute ass. Apparently, they just discovered Word Art.

@El Gran Guapo: Does he hover-squat or sit down?!?!? Inquiring minds want to know!

@jellyandtoast: The "negativity" is well-deserved for any product that purports to be the best in its class. Put up, or shut the fuck up if you don't deliver.

@jellyandtoast: Fellating apologists out in full-force again. A week after it went on the market, but how long after development started? It should have come up then and been resolved before hitting retail.

@The_International_Poise_Conspi...: I know, bro'. Now that awful grip will haunt me every time I watch those peep-hole videos.

@Phintastic: It's the first thing I noticed; there's a half-foot gap in her grip.

Neckbeard better be her brother.

@President Camacho: I hear the Vatican is expected to be top bidder for Michael's entire inventory of Purple Jesus Drank.

Purple drank? What the fuck is purple drank? I want some grape juice, baby.

High-kickin', low-scorin', and bad calls? You bet!

We'll see what happens after the 4th of July.

@ProperBritish: It appears that I was right; a 4-1 pounding. ;)

Though the dive in OT had me fuming as all Hideous Game dives do, the U.S. got outplayed. Terrible opening-minutes defense finally came back to bite them in the ass after they had gotten away with it for the first round. Man-up or go home.