G.O.B.: Come on!

@Phintastic: NFL-esque coach challenges, probably. This as opposed to only letting umpires elect to make use of instant-replay.

Selig throwing up west coast, hell yeah.

@CurseOfBobbyLane: B-b-b-but human error makes baseball quaint! Do you mean we should make an effort to get calls right instead of having fucked-up umpire calls written in stone?! BLASPHEMY!

Jason Donald deserves some of the blame. Sonbitch should have jogged it out instead of making it a close call. You're down 3-0 with 2-outs in the 9th and you're a team from Cleveland; failure is inevitable given the latter fact alone.

Angels fans at Chi Sox game? We don't even want them in L.A., what the fuck are they doing in Chicago?

The most ridiculous part of this story is that Fox has an "Opinion" section.

@Old Gil: You really think he'll end up in the east? Genuine question.

Haters gonna hate. Kobe gets the last laugh, though. The last laugh all the way to the conference finals.

@criosray: It's not comparing apples and oranges at all. The iPad was and is being pushed as having educational utility.

@arlanda: It's difficult to be sure of either case. What I do know and see is tons of netbooks at my university. How many iPads have I seen in the wild at my university or anywhere for that matter? Zero.

Agreed with KhaiJB, below. The netbook market likely reached its peak saturation and has only down to go from there.

She looks like an oompa loompa pirate.

@Nihilexistentialist: I'm not entry-level alt, bro. The Animal Collective joke is 2007 and thus nostalgic and thus truly auth.

I'll use the website but only ironically. Everyone knows authentic alt/indie is only discovered by attending secret shows with less than 20 attendees. Now, excuse me while I blast some Animal Collective.

From the read link:

I can't be the only one who saw the thumbnail for this post and thought someone attached "wood" to a block of wood.