@Gregory.Bloom: You forgot about Apple TV, most recently.
@Gregory.Bloom: You forgot about Apple TV, most recently.
Not just no but "Hell nah!"
Mediafire and Megaupload work the best for me considering I'm not and never want to be a subscriber.
@Tore Holmem: For people with small collections, this may make sense. I've got +7,000 tracks. I'm not going to sit there and rebuild a cache of 50+ GB much less for sub-par fidelity.
"You'll feel so virtuous giving up BitTorrent and streaming music legally, and for free."
@kylecpcs: "The question is ‘is she hot?’ not ‘would you do her?’ Respect the game."
@kylecpcs: She's in her 40s. Those things are definitely on the sag side of things.
@kylecpcs: Well, they distract from the sagging. Not much, though.
@Kyle VanHemert: Good lawd. Even his beard hair is curly as fuck.
@tomsomething: No.
@mechmike: I've tried Avira's bootable antivirus and it doesn't remove virus successfully. It finds them but it always tells me that removal failed on multiple systems. These aren't my computers; I don't get viruses.
@cisengineer: Yeah, I don't know why ZDNet would title an article that way.
@Dan Cardin: They work like drug dealers—the first hit is always free.
BTJunkie, though technically an indexer and not a tracker. I've been using it for years.
The problem with tablets/slates is that, while they can act as e-Readers, it's a nothing short of torturous to read a book on anything but e-ink. You can lower the brightness on the screen to make it less painful, but you'll have to forget about reading in natural light or other bright environments. They're no better…
@Alun 'Wilbert' Millard: Ha! I just promoted your comment. Thanks. :D
I use Bigwords, but just to verify that [half.com] and Amazon have the best prices. I've only rented textbooks twice from Chegg. It's usually not worth renting if you can buy a used copy and sell it later on for as much or a little less than you paid for it. Those are the only three sites I use and I have been chasing…
@Benguin: I've been fortunate to have some professors who say old(er) editions are fine. Others have compiled lectures notes based on the textbooks and have sold copies through the campus bookstore for ~$8-10.
DVD Shrink is even older abandonware than DVD Decrypter.