
I originally read this as she survived but also killed her husband. O.o

I don’t care how much loneliness they suffer. They are monsters for doing that. They need to be sent home, never to return to the States.

Is she fucking the father? That's the only theory I can come up with for why this vile moron seems more concerned about the father getting what he wants instead of what's best for the kids. Judges like her are evil. That sounds hyperbolic but until you've dealt with a judge or a police officer or any person with

Right? If he wasn’t charged, the crime you personally witnessed never happened? What a disturbingly depraved message to send to a child.

you and Ariana Grande need to organize Wealthy Obnoxious Tiny Baby playtime ASAP

Nanny reads this article like

Kids shouldn’t be made to do anything that makes them feel this uncomfortable.

Yeah exactly. It seems like this weird contradictory ruling. First of all the 15 year old should be able to make this decision himself anyway or at least weigh in on the decision.The younger two aren’t seen as being old enough to weigh in—why would they be punished when its their mother that is seen as responsible?

I’m a family law attorney, and my office has been up in arms about this all week.

Now we’re incarcerating children because of their parents’ behavior? WTF is this world that I am living in?

I get really squicked out when people revel in the macabre details of criminal violence. It’s sad, not titillating, and incredibly disrespectful to victims to fetishize their suffering and terror, I don’t care how many years later it is. This was just some cruel, sick fuck, who brought several human beings to an

“in my mind” I didn’t rape anybody is a real Cosby-level excuse


The worst part of this, tbh, are the gorrilla forearms.

Duh, you can’t let Trump get in the way of world peace.

..... dude I think that guy has a UTI or something because pee should not be that color

Dismissed, blocked, and flagged for hate speech.


whenever i go to Applebees i try not to order Whole Porcupine á la Mode; you should do the same

Pretty sure this is what happened to me that time I ate at Applebee's.