As someone who lived there for five years, this is the best description of Delaware since Wayne’s World
As someone who lived there for five years, this is the best description of Delaware since Wayne’s World
I like to call them, “right to be fired without cause” laws.
I think that’s “Old Economy Steve” that you replied to...
We should all email it to him.
I really don’t know how I can send in my taxes for the next four years if these are the types of things they will go toward, not to mention the salaries of these despicable cretins.
I don’t disagree with you at all, everything you said makes sense, but Sessions doesn’t have to undertake a massive nationwide shutdown of legal weed. A few raids here and there for whatever made up reason (or a real one! some licensed companies are absolutely doing dirt, in addition to the fact that they are breaking…
Fair enough - and I wasn’t saying that waste and inefficiency in govt doesn’t exist, it absolutely does. I was just pointing out that I think the many people seem to focus on that as the primary cause of govt ineffectiveness rather than the corporate influence of big money donors, which is misguided in my view; I…
I don’t know, I hear so much about “government waste” and inefficiency from anti-government types that I get the impression that many think govt employees are just sitting around and raking it in, as if the overworked schlub toiling away for the state health department at $45k a year has it made in the shade or…
I live in out in Colorado currently and usually skim the Denver Post. There hasn’t been any mention of this that I’ve seen.
Haha, agreed. I think that was a case of sarcasm not coming through well - or me not expressing what I wanted to well enough. I wasn’t actually over-ruled, but just trying to get a cheap laugh from the old trope of the bride getting everything she wants despite any objections. Thankfully my fiance is a true gem and we…
I just got engaged recently. Was doing some preliminary planning with the fiance last weekend and I stated that my one non-negotiable position on the wedding was that their be no choreographed dancing whatsoever. I’ll walk into my own wedding reception like A GODDAMN ADULT NOT SOME SELFIE-TAKING MILLENIAL TWEEN…
Yes, well-put and totally agree, which is why I referred to them as “so-called” free market champions. I think Chomsky has also made the point that when Adam Smith was recommending open and competitive markets he did not actually mean ones lacking in any regulation.
This whole episode is a great demonstration of the intellectual laziness of so-called “free market champions.” The libertarian / republican idea that “the market will fix it!” is really just an excuse to not have to come up with any actual ideas to address complex social and economic issues, which is, you know, pretty…
I don’t know for certain, but I would imagine being able to import lower-cost drugs from Canada would work to drive down the sky-high prices charged by pharma companies here in the US for the same drugs. If that is true, it would make sense for Dems that garner significant contributions from the pharma sector, and…
Bruni’s piece was not smart enough to be interesting and not funny enough to be satire.
Also worth pointing out that Kelly didn’t address the o-line AT ALL during the three years he was in Philly. No draft picks to speak of and no significant free agent acquisitions to shore up a very questionable group whose best player - Jason Peters - is quite old and has had major injuries in recent years. Basically…
We can start by rejecting the shareholder value myth and the damaging approaches toward running businesses that it engenders.
These are the types of women who think that their husbands are giving them jewelry because they’re beautiful and great, when in fact the husbands are doing it to distract from their philandering.
Glad to see Michael Rosenberg get the GEMHDOTW, it’s well deserved, even if I can’t decide whether it’s a HOTTER TAEK than his usual, “The NCAA tournament is really fun to watch,” one, which he wrote TWO YEARS IN A ROW. I have loathed him ever since hate-reading these about 5 years ago. How do these people have jobs?…
This virtually never happens. You can get sent off with a red card for just swearing at a referee.