
The fact that the middle 3 are even possible indicates some seriously shitty software practices.

you can make quite small roundabouts

vampirella’s been around a lot longer than 5 years

IMO the real problem is profitable companies with piles of actual cash in the bank. Facebook has $60B, Amazon has $85B, Google has $120B, Apple has $200B.  This is ACTUAL CASH, not imagined value from equity.  Banks have even more but they’re probably a special case because they’re banks.

fyi you can call sirius and tell them to stop sending that shit to you, and it works!

double dipping on subscribers

if you have 100k weekly viewers and 1% of them send $5 once a week thats $5000 a week. it’s really not that insane. $5 is about the price of a drink at a cheap club/bar.

wow, for the first 10 or so seconds it didn’t seem terrible, but rapidly got worse.

probably fish eye transformed to normal perspective so that the lines on the ground are parallel

hate to break it to ya but late 80s babies also played oregon trail and myst

one of the images literally lists what it means “to be less white”

Just here to point out the shitty branding of that podcast. Image is “RUTH LESS” (RUTH-LESS, not RUTHLESS) in front of the supreme court building, first episode broadcast less than a month after RBG died.

pretty sure wendy’s doesn’t fry their chicken on site either and it’s fine.

Also any art assets would be copyright protected, and a videogame like GTA isn’t much w/o it’s art assets.

nobody “has” to make pizzas, but somebody will for the right price.

“very last”

XIII and Lightning Returns.  Both variations on the same thing but great in different ways.  Lightning Returns is more action-y while XIII and XIII-2 are more strategic.

likely glued her hair to her scalp, so probably no.

mesh wifi isn’t common in homes now, it definitely wasn’t in 2016

Why do they think that pepper spray, an irritant, will calm people down.  You don’t use pepper spray on a bear so you can give it hugs, you use it as a distraction so you can run away!