
yeah, there isn’t anyone I can think of with the historical name recognition like Trump that have demonstrated a desire to be in that kind of position. Sure there are rich well known people like Musk, Zuckerberg, etc. but they seem content to just be rich assholes, at least for now. Kanye could maybe do it if he got

remember, skis back then didn’t have bindings like they do today, you just strapped your boot to the ski.

a couple hundred subs is still less than minimum wage. ~50 weeks a year x 40 hours a week = 2000 hours. 2000 hours/year * $7/hour = ~$14000/year. 400 subs * $2.50/sub/month = $1000/month ~= $12000/year. And you still have no insurance, etc.

They just need to look harder or recruit from different places. SCS at CMU was ~10% women 10 years ago, now it’s almost 50% and more competitive.

check your video drivers

wtf is this sentence saying?

who even wants to load/unload a truck bed that’s at armpit height?

I think it’s supposed to simulate your eyes adjusting between bright and dark lighting conditions.

well someone has to or there would never be a rev. 2

I think freesync requires display port so you would want to wait for hdmi 2.1

I mean the person who sold the “pre-order” has to fulfill their order so they buy one for $800

if they sold a “pre order” for $1000 and the aftermarket price settled at $800

someone buys from ebay & re-sells on ebay

A few math issues:

it’s a prequel

yeah but retail pricing != wholesale pricing.  I’d imagine they’re getting those parts at least 40% cheaper than the retail price.

is the stuff used for insulation the same as the stuff that comes in a can at Home Depot? I thought they’re different.  The can stuff cures in <10 minutes and doesn’t expand a whole lot.

why are they 80% rubber?

the problem with 4chan is that half the people do things “ironically” “just as a joke” and the other half do the same thing sincerely