is inventory space still limited by how much platinum you want to spend? last time i played you could have maybe 3 frames and 8 weapons w/o spending platinum.
is inventory space still limited by how much platinum you want to spend? last time i played you could have maybe 3 frames and 8 weapons w/o spending platinum.
imo traffic police should not be empowered to arrest or conduct investigations, they should only be able to write tickets for traffic & vehicle violations. They should not carry a gun. Proceeds from traffic tickets should go into the local lottery so municipalities don’t rely on them for paying expenses.
do the devs have profit sharing? i would guess they were all salaried w/o profit sharing considering the size of the company.
Good on you for posting this knowing well there will be lots of people screeching about “I come to Kotaku for games journalism, not social justice”. Everyone needs to pay attention, all ages, all races, all religions. Only when people are paying attention will they actually comprehend what is going on around them.
They should compensate the winner and not keep rights to the other entries.
there are 1000 times as many emoji as characters in the english alphabet
excellent article Nathan
the portion of the game you would be able to play for free has not really changed at all since ARR launched
ok, but how much did it cost to store it for 54 years?
yeah, pretty much exactly this. it felt like a low budget saints row. not enough character/story missions.
lol don’t work and can’t afford a webcam or international facetime (which is free) but can afford to fly or drive from FL to Canada...
that logitech driver has been signed and verified by microsoft
or use one drive
former Kotaku producer Tim Rogers
but she did recognize that
the machine gun in the 2nd video of the article has plenty of ‘dugga’
did this post come out early by accident?
they don’t need to license gun designs to use them legally. they need to license gun designs to prevent being sued and wasting money in court.