holy shit, why is this an auto play video on the main page?
holy shit, why is this an auto play video on the main page?
last i heard he (star trek guy) sat like that because of a medical condition
why wouldn’t they just make it so you don’t gain exp in user created quests?
People do what they like. Just because you have a normal job doesn’t mean you have to be normal sized. Look up jujimufu on youtube. Before he started making videos he was a chemist.
pretty much all apps that have a browser and “native” version the native is just the browser version in a reskinned embedded chromium.
If I sleep till eight, I literally declare that I “slept in,” even though no American teenager is awake yet at that hour.
“He also donated to charities that rent space in his properties”
YES! As a child playing super mario world I could just run around and jump and float forever and ever when I got the cape!
Is this really a battle royal? there is no battle, it’s just a ghost race.
faster != better
thats why they threw both!
“Doc [a] is fucking moron,” said longtime streamer Ezekiel III on Twitter.
or they sell the next installments as DLC/expansions which require having the previous one installed.
it’s been like that since way before 13, it just wasn’t cutscenes but on screen dialog.
many of those are just time wasters where you walk around doing random battles and opening chests though. Mithril cave, Nibel Mountains, Temple of the Ancients, Glacier, Gaea Cliff, Undersea Reactor, Shinra Plane, Assault on Midgar, and the Final Dungeon will all likely be condensed to remove some of the tedium of…
you can turn off random encounters in the steam version
i think you mean the extra chunky version
How do you figure 9 parts? Midgar was the first disk of the original’s 3 disks. I have the PC version’s strategy guide and Midgar is 40 pages of the ~160 pages which cover the story.
raw broccoli is perfection