son of a motherless goat (PSA: wash your hooves)

That sign was lying the whole time.

Yeah but what am I going to do with a 5 gallon jug of mayonnaise? Seriously, I need suggestions.

Does Acela translate to “gigantic fucking snake that wears a miner’s helmet”?

I think eventually most things become terrible for the environment. I’ve read that some of the reusable bags aren’t much better, from a resource perspective at least. That’s why I’m trying to get everyone to switch to cargo pants. It’s like a reusable bag that you wear!

People are so irresponsible. Don’t they know that plastic grocery bags are terrible for the environment?!

Why do you hate fun, Max?

It’s a boat. It transforms. It should be named Seaspray.

David Tracy still has his first Jeep. And always will.


Just because we comment on an article, does not mean we’ve read it.

I’m going to count down from five now. Remember, every time the check engine light comes on you will cluck like a chicken. Do you understand? Cluck like a chicken.

I have the urge to relax... relax... and KILL THE PRIME MINISTER OF MALAYSIA!

Now playing

Reminds me of this old gem. They’d probably need a Chinook to lift that Buick.

The gauntlet has been thrown down. Your move, Land Cruiser and G-Class.

+1 Yours is better.

Driver Uses Clever Trick To Go Faster, F1 Officials HATE Him!

Makes sense. If we’re all driving this car then that means nobody is outside standing in its path.

You said you wanted drive-by-wire.

The best security feature is to simply drive a car that nobody else wants. So, I think you’re stuck with it.

I dunno but I bet a standard shipping container would work as a decent Faraday cage.