son of a motherless goat (PSA: wash your hooves)

1.88 seconds. Let that sink in.

Quiet, you! Also, username checks out.

There are a lot of things to lol @ GM about, but their LS/LT V8 series of engines is not one of them.

I suddenly grew a mustache just from watching that video.

Wow, that’s something you don’t see every day! Congrats to the parents.

Will they include a free vape with purchase? Maybe they should look into that. Seems to work with Fords.

Oh it’s not that hard with a little elbow grease.

Now playing

You’re probably correct. But it’s not really about utility, is it? It’s about image. Here, allow me to provide you with some actual focus group results from real people not actors:

That might be an improvement to both planets.

She’s asking herself that same question at this very moment.

I don’t blame the parents. Do you know how much carry-ons cost???

Haven’t watched the video, or read the article, or the title, but I’m super excited for what appears to be a real life version of The Running Man. Say what you will about China but they know how to put on a good show. Could use some Killian though.

It should be the Bronco IV though since it has IV doors.

I’m going with Porsche 912. If I’m wrong, then blame the sticker on the glove box for being a lying piece of shit!

You dirt eating piece of slime! You scum-sucking pig! You son of a motherless goat!

If that dog is trying to bring back mutton chops...he is totally pulling it off!

Classic Larson.

I could be wrong, and I usually am, but I think L.C. stands for Lloyd Christmas.

That’s as good as money!

I don’t come here to read about the adventures of a normal person.