I was wrong about the C4. 1973 was the first year that the Vette used SMC body panels. The link below explains some of the differences. It looks like it still uses fiberglass material, just in a smaller ratio along with a different forming process.
I was wrong about the C4. 1973 was the first year that the Vette used SMC body panels. The link below explains some of the differences. It looks like it still uses fiberglass material, just in a smaller ratio along with a different forming process.
Yeah, body panels were SMC going back to the C5 at least. I think the C4 was fiberglass.
Longtail version.
“Ugh, what if we just made the airbags pink?” — Auto Manufacturers
No doubt the aftermarket is already working on a Lambo scissor door conversion kit as we speak.
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!
More than you can afford pal. Ferrar....wait never mind.
31 models
At least you won’t have to worry about rising sea levels. And if the neighborhood ever goes to shit, we can just untie the mooring lines and give it a little shove.
Does this mean we’re getting Days of Thunder 2?
Detailing a Formula One Car Sounds Terrifying
I liked the part with the sound effects.
For a second I thought you were going to say that Red Bull was suing over taste-infringement. Can you copyright “sugary battery acid piss”?
Technically, this one is a “Porsche-car accelerator”.
Well whatever they build they better put a wing on it.
Our government isn’t dumb, people. I’m sure they’ve moved the aliens to Area 52 by now.
Just like my dog right after a bath...headed for the nearest pond.
That’s some fast jacking. Nobody will ever beat that. These guys are masters.
“Fellas... is a frog’s ass watertight?”