son of a motherless goat (PSA: wash your hooves)


Aston Martin is at least considering offering a manual...

It finally drove for the first time under its own power last year.

It’s probably because Ferrari would try to find a reason to take them to court.

I understand that people want to get close as possible to the race car habitat for that perfect selfie, but somebody’s gonna get mauled by a driver one of these days.

So you highly recommend picking one up? If you have the means, of course.

I think somebody misunderstood what was meant by “sub” way. This is why you always pay attention in meetings.

Inspirational. I see the beginnings of a self-help book franchise. Something along the lines of “Chicken Soup For The Soul” except maybe “No Rust For The Weary” or “Change Your Floor Pan, Change Your Life”. Get back to me David, I know people (I don’t actually know people).

This checks out.

No sun visors? No thank you.

I immediately googled “Judge Rambo”.

Bro, I’ve had that superpower since I was 15.

This is why I never rest my smartphone in the center of the steering wheel, but down in my lap instead. Safety first.

They put its knees on backwards. Idiots.

A Space Guard could even be tasked with the ultimate mission: defending the Earth against giant, civilization-ending asteroids, comets, and other space objects.

Hate to break it to that guy but the kid doesn’t look anything like him.

I don’t even have a B for that.

Those look fun to clean.

Clearly the train’s fault for not yielding to an emergency vehicle.