son of a motherless goat (PSA: wash your hooves)

I disagree. These cables are good enough for my Christmas lights and you can see those from the ISS. Just throw in a surge protector for safety and you should be good to go.

I don’t understand what the big deal is. Just buy one of these for each station. Problem solved.

Aww hex, I’m #008000 with envy that I didn’t think of it first.

I thought 420 was the magic number.

What Do You Want to Know About The 2020 BMW M2 Competition?

Unfortunately, his health insurance doesn’t cover potholes and he now owes $62,950 for the procedure.

Since it was a sketchbattle I at least want to see a chalk outline of the losers.

Photos? I was expecting an artist’s rendition of the event.

Digging tunnels on a planet that’s hostile to human life, even construction workers, means you’d want to make the process as efficient as possible, eventually becoming completely automated. Also note that I italicized the word “sense” because it only barely makes any.

Looks like a refreshed EV1.

I still like the theory that the real purpose behind the Boring Company is to eventually dig tunnels on Mars. It’s the only explanation that makes any .... sense?

Ha! I just spit my beer all over my windshield!


The program is called Women Preferred View

Doh! You mean from “The Shark With Big Scary Teeth”. I love that movie.

I feel like you guys are taking my comment too seriously.

Of course I would never send humans out there. I’d hire a project manager to send them.

Octograbber robot? What? Look, just go to Home Depot. $19.98 each.

Yeah, they’ve always been obsessed with rich people that break the law and get away with it.