
“Double bonus points for the fact that he’s still probably good.”

Kirk to McCoy: Doesn’t Chekov look a bit different ?

Recast I hope

Sudden promotion to first officer of the USS Grissom?

Gee, I wonder if this Star Trek movie will be about Kirk and crew doing battle against an Angry Man With A Grudge™

Obviously it’s time to replace Checkov with Lt. Commander Gary Mitchell:

They’ve said they are not going to recast. They could easily have him transferred out to another ship as in the Kelvin timeline the fleet is in rebuild mode.

I’m assuming Sofia Boutella’s character will replace him, and they’ll just say he was promoted to another ship or had to take a desk job for some reason.

They’ve already said there will be no re-casting. If they even make another (as much as I liked Beyond, it didn’t make much), I would assume they’ll hand-wave him out with re-assignment or shore leave or somesuch.

I thought I read on here that they were not going to recast.

I heard (maybe from this site) that they said they wouldn’t recast him, but they would mention his passing. Eh...

I liked how the dealt with Nomoy. Something similar will work.

fair to assume the new Star Trek will spend the first 10 minutes explaining Chekov, or would they try to re-cast it?

fair to assume the new Star Trek will spend the first 10 minutes explaining Chekov, or would they try to re-cast it?

The left has shown itself to be as equally deplorable as the right.

“and no parent is ever gonna deprive a kid of Christmas gifts”

I understand not being a rose glasses bootlicker and all, but why should a guy who apparently is shitting on the team and coaches be allowed full access to the sidelines where these same players and coaches are operating?

I say this as someone canvassed for Hillary in a swing state in the Midwest- they did not lose this election because of progressives. They lost because they didn’t bother defending the one fucking path Trump had to victory. Two days before the election I was sent to canvass houses on a street that didn’t exist

That’s like...44 walls!

Was I the only one who was seriously underwhelmed by the ending of Season 1? It felt very, very rushed and sloppy.