I know your mood entirely relies on how many people click your stars on Kinja, but this is not good
I know your mood entirely relies on how many people click your stars on Kinja, but this is not good
Katie Nolan is awful... and that’s why she’s “stuck” as social media girl
yes. how dare a gay man not like Alec Baldwin. that’s impossible right? amazing level of hypocrisy
oh hi Mr Original
that’s great. I wasn’t comparing them. they’re both scum. it’s possible to not like both. But if you want to ignore Baldwin’s transgressions because you like an impression he does that says way more about you and your true lack of conviction
who am I defending?
good for you. I’m gay and I didn’t
my reaction would have been to tell my publicist to stop giving paparazzi my daily schedule
I don’t need to
gonna need you to show some work there... didn’t support Trump, but I’m not gonna be a hypocrite and support trash like Alec Baldwin either. he’s a homophobe. fuck that dude.
maybe he can make some homophobic statements again? oh wait, we’re forgetting about that now I guess
you’re trying too hard
I doubt he falsely set it off...
yeah, looks like a headlock was put around him
no mention of the headlock he appears to be in there?
it’s just baffling why no one else will hire you. baffling I tell you
no. I would’ve found it weird if they didn’t die. I expected it... but especially since episode 4 has no sightings of them, they had to die and it closes any other stupid speculation about Jyn showing up in episode 8 or something. I’m surprised so many people were surprised by this too
like someone who sells their vote to a blog?
“and no parent is ever gonna deprive a kid of Christmas gifts”
“After former punter, and child rape joke writer Chris Kluwe”