
I can honestly say I don’t get Pokémon.

actually, he’s amazing at his job.

maybe he can make some homophobic statements again? oh wait, we’re forgetting about that now I guess

you’re trying too hard

The sooner people realize McCarthy is in the top 5 of the funniest fattest people who ever lived ever the better off we’ll all be.

I appreciate you claiming your take, but I’m gonna have to disagree. Not that McCarthy can’t be funny, or sometimes hilarious, but top 5........nah

I can’t be the only one who read the head as “Chili Dog Enjoys Hockey Game.”

Well, this actually wasn’t his fault. There was a bad foul call that he rightfully disagreed with, and he walked away fast. Like, that’s what he did, he walked away fast. In terms of expressing disagreement with a call, that seems pretty tame. How do you express disagreement with a call in a way that doesn’t show

no. I would’ve found it weird if they didn’t die. I expected it... but especially since episode 4 has no sightings of them, they had to die and it closes any other stupid speculation about Jyn showing up in episode 8 or something. I’m surprised so many people were surprised by this too

This was the first time you got to see Vader be truly terrifying as well. Holy shit that walk down the hallway!

Wait was I the only one who expected them all to die?

It was so good, right? Better than Episode 7? Better than Jedi?

“Double bonus points for the fact that he’s still probably good.”

The left has shown itself to be as equally deplorable as the right.

“and no parent is ever gonna deprive a kid of Christmas gifts”

I understand not being a rose glasses bootlicker and all, but why should a guy who apparently is shitting on the team and coaches be allowed full access to the sidelines where these same players and coaches are operating?

Players arent as interesting?

I get that the fair market value of D-1 football and basketball players services far outweigh the value of their scholarships. But baseball? Really? You’re going to have to show me the math on that one.

Show me the apology to Virginia... doesn’t exist. She apologized for calling someone an idiot, not to the people blamed for it.

When Anna circulated the Virginia “rape” story, shamed anyone who questioned its validity, doubled down on it by saying she has a Masters from Columbia (which, ummmm yeah?), and then never apologized when it was proven to be a hoax.