
I can honestly say I don’t get Pokémon.

actually, he’s amazing at his job.

maybe he can make some homophobic statements again? oh wait, we’re forgetting about that now I guess

you’re trying too hard

The sooner people realize McCarthy is in the top 5 of the funniest fattest people who ever lived ever the better off we’ll all be.

I appreciate you claiming your take, but I’m gonna have to disagree. Not that McCarthy can’t be funny, or sometimes hilarious, but top 5........nah

You said they were “Identical Twins.”

“It’s important to appreciate that telomere lengthening is not always a good thing, as telomere lengthening is also associated with some disease processes and pathologies...”

It’s poorly worded. One twin stayed on the ground as the control, and the other (Scott) went into space for a year. Rae Paoletta wrote:

I do not envy these people. It’s raw and sensitve as hell and no matter what choice they make it’ll be the wrong one to a number of people.

I can’t be the only one who read the head as “Chili Dog Enjoys Hockey Game.”

Well, this actually wasn’t his fault. There was a bad foul call that he rightfully disagreed with, and he walked away fast. Like, that’s what he did, he walked away fast. In terms of expressing disagreement with a call, that seems pretty tame. How do you express disagreement with a call in a way that doesn’t show

“much like the one Gruber’s group breaks into”

It’s not mine, but I wish it was

I mean... it’s a poster tho

takes place only a couple of decades, at most, before the original films. That, or the Apes movies take place in a future where humans suddenly age very slowly, which seems like a bit of a stretch

I know everyone luuuuurves her but I don’t really get it. She is just ok in my book. Also the way she looks at Chris Pratt makes me think they are totally screwing or at the very least that she really wants to and will make a move soon.

no. I would’ve found it weird if they didn’t die. I expected it... but especially since episode 4 has no sightings of them, they had to die and it closes any other stupid speculation about Jyn showing up in episode 8 or something. I’m surprised so many people were surprised by this too

This was the first time you got to see Vader be truly terrifying as well. Holy shit that walk down the hallway!

Wait was I the only one who expected them all to die?