Seriously? This is public knowledge. You think we should hide the addresses of every important piece of infrastructure because ZOMG TERRISTS?
Seriously? This is public knowledge. You think we should hide the addresses of every important piece of infrastructure because ZOMG TERRISTS?
I don't care where it comes from - I just want it for the best price.
how on earth did you get a star
Probably with hydroelectric dams that aren't 100 years old.
Perhaps you've been misinformed, but the 3DS was hacked and had pirated DS games running on it day one in Japan. As for 3DS games, I'll just leave this here:[]
Even if you screw it up, you can still use WebOS doctor to wipe the entire device and reinstall WebOS.
Hello, Mr. Danza? I've got a Mass Effect on the line for you. He'd like a word.
FEMA's incompetence is nothing but a ruse.
"epic nom nom"? Really? Is that a thing? That people say?
The only circus going on is the one in the House thanks to the Republicans, the party of the super rich. They want to reduce the deficit by cutting programs that help the poor without placing any burden on the rich. That's unacceptable.
You do realize that anyone with Google+ can invite you, right? What's your email address?
And we can always make new corners too! And then cut them.
I'll take PAX over E3 any day. :)
Sure, but now we have a phone in every room. Back then, there was usually one phone for the household.
These aren't Sarah Palin's emails, to be precise - these are emails handled by her office during her term in Alaska. If you're on the public's dime, then the public deserves to know what you're doing. The POTUS is held to the same standard - []
Palin fan spotted! You mean like the people that were made to print this shit out instead of burning it onto a friggin DVD?
It does this currently if you're on wifi when you set your destination. It also caches your most used map tiles locally, but only a small amount. A data connection will still be useful for live traffic information, but for those who venture into different countries and want to avoid roaming charges, this is great news.
all of it
You still need to plug in the USB dongle, though. My Logitech G930s are wireless and require a USB dongle as well.