
Good enough, I'll take it! Thanks. Now just have to wait for the firmware to hit and test it with my headset.

Currently, game audio isn't supported over USB. I wonder if that will be changing soon with a PS3 firmware update. I'd really like for my Logitech G930s to work with my PS3.

It's not bluetooth. It uses RF via a USB dongle that you will plug in. It won't work with your iOS devices since they don't have USB ports.

It's incredibly expensive to put something into space. Also, there's the problem of a possible launch failure and spreading of radioactive debris all over the place.

I've been an HTC user for years, but I don't quite understand why people keep buying Samsung devices. It takes them so friggin long to put out updates.. is it really just the screen?

It's all the carrier. Carriers want to build restrictions into the OS, and if you can just flash a new ROM, then that kind of negates that ability.

Except for Google Music and Google Voice, anyways. Also the Canadian payment marketplace is notoriously difficult to break in to.

It probably won't be available in Canada, anyways. :(

The difference here is that this is a cult, not merely a 'religious group'.

Yes it works fine on my HTC Desire on Telus

It works just fine on my Desire in Canada. Just have to install the APK.

The news just broke.. would you rather that they just sit on the story and try to find out why this is only available for certain devices only to be given a canned answer?

Technically not available for Canadians, but if you install the APK on a compatible handset (ie HTC Desire, same hardware as Nexus One), it works.

Sounds like a fair trade to me.

@se7a7n7: that's what she said

@letsdropthehammer: You'll want to go through the controller. Headset - Xbox 360 controller - PC (via USB). Of course, you can also just buy a cheap adapter at Walmart, Radio Shack, etc, but if you're in a bind then you can do this.

@patranus: You have eight years of Bush, two wars, and massive tax cuts to thank for that.

is there an app that will make it so that i don't have to hear about it anymore?