@BristolRuss: This just isn't true. [www.gamespot.com]
@BristolRuss: This just isn't true. [www.gamespot.com]
Thank you, LH!
@rHughes: Same thing happened to me once I installed the beta version of Foxmarks for IE.. I'm glad that the restore function exists. Thanks, Foxmarks!
@collusioned: I care about ME! Post fail.
Eh, I picked it up. Due to the placement of the selection boxes for clothing, it can cause some problems with some sort of cases, like my fruwt case ([www.fruwt.com]). Otherwise, it's good, but $4.99 is a little bit steep it seems. $2.99 would probably be a better price point for how shallow the gameplay actually is.
@The Jerk: That's what that the iPhone emulator shows.
@shatteredmindofbob: Just pay and select eCheck as your funding source in your PayPal account. It will take time to clear, but they will receive notification of your payment, so it'll probably go through now. An eCheck will automatically transfer funds from your bank account directly to the person you send money to,…
@ivan225: WoW doesn't cost $300 to buy, and then requires a monthly subscription.
Welp, I'm horrified.
Savages! Oh well, they'll learn their lesson soon enough when they realize that it's Guitar Hero and not Rock Band.
Suddenly, sidetalking doesn't seem that bad. Where's my N-Gage?
It's never going to come out anyway. :(
I likes it!
@Erwin: fucking wow
Signed in and everything, now just trying to get the damn claim button to work.
Well I managed to register.. now to actually sign in and get a key before TIME. RUNS. OUT.
Less than a thousand keys left.. :(
Ugh, the page won't even load for me at all no matter what I do.