
Holy fucking shit. SOLD.

This is a bullshit rumor that is surely false.

They should also reduce the number of media badges they are giving out. Every fucking website under the sun seems to be getting a media badge.

They really need to fucking empty out the theaters after each panel. I missed out on the keynote AND the PA panel on Friday. The expo hall is too damn crowded to look at or do anything.. I think my third PAX might be my last.

oh god just a few more days

It's funny watching the Euros whine about Leipzig as PAX gets bigger and bigger every year.


Hells yeah! PAX is gonna be awesome.

@DigitalHero: What MaxSteele said. Who cares about being there for an announcement of a game?

E3? Boring. Bring on PAX!

Holy crap. Must have dis. Waiting eagerly for TomTom version.

That's gonna be Final Fantasy X-2.