Add “has a history of domestic violence” to the list and you’re on to something.
Add “has a history of domestic violence” to the list and you’re on to something.
supporting israel on its face certainly isn’t allegiance to a foreign power. but taking money from pro-israel groups and then pushing legislation (texas HB 89, to be more specific) that punishes anti-israel speech & boycotts—what is that, exactly? what do you call a law that prioritizes the economic well-being of a…
Can’t talk about that. It would be anti-Semitic.
There’s an old legal saw that if the facts are on your side, but the law is not, you emphasize the facts. And if the law is on your side, but the facts are not, you emphasize the law.
We need to come up with a new McDonald Triad for these domestic terrorists:
White Christians must denounce this religious fundamentalist terrorism.
Be gone, Trumpcunt.
because its alabama and he’s white.
Mess with the crabbo, you get the stabbo.
I actually think it’s bigger than just the expectation of celibacy. If it was just celibacy that was the problem, then there’d be a whole bunch of priests sleeping with adults - “extramarital affairs” outside of the church (which there is).
It’s Famine from Good omens - forget crop failure, you can sell people canned air to eat and they’ll buy it because it’s low-cal.
If you really think that “self-examination leads to self-improvement,” then you’re better off examining why big tech companies collude to drive down wages (Apple and Google), abuse the visa process (Facebook and everyone else), contract with companies in China who commit egregious human rights violations to build your…
Only a really rich person would voluntarily not eat for hours and then talk about how much time they have without framing it around meals. #bye
Really wish I could tag the “making men type paragraphs” facebook group on the “not all men” replies.
One of the great pleasures of the internet in 2019 is laughing so hard at people like you, ya pus-filled dumbass.
So, to you, being a heterosexual male means being emotionally and sexually abusive, and basically an all round asshole. Okay, hon. I think I'll just stick to being a libtard.
I live in the North Bay, where the dating scene is practically non-existant. Here are the two major issues I often encountered:
allow me to press F on the world’s tiniest keyboard
If kids in Juvenile Detention (where I work) gets a healthy smack from the realities of life, so should these MAGA chuds. Hey, your an awful person because your thoughts and ideas are awful. If everyone is calling you an asshole, maybe stop being an asshole.