I’m sorry but EvangeliChris just moved to the bottom of the Chris list.
I’m sorry but EvangeliChris just moved to the bottom of the Chris list.
Woody Allen: making the same fucking movie since 1979!
Some bigot somewhere wants me to be afraid of trans women coming into the ladies room whereas I fear regular dudes all the time because they’re creepy everywhere.
What in the FUCK is wrong with men?
History shows again and again, how nature points out the folly of man. Go elephant seals!
So I went for an interview last week for a promotion at work, having applied for it before Christmas... and I got it.
You can apply this logic to anyone, though. There are plenty of pro-life women who do what they do because they’re genuinely think they’re protecting women from making a mistake that they’ll later regret (or protecting fetuses in general). It’s not like they go home after a pro-life rally and twirl their mustaches.…
Imagine carrying this kind of thought process over to other bigots. Like, distinguishing between white nationalists and white supremacists in an article about anti-Black police violence.
How is this even remotely relevant? They have the same arguments as every anti-trans bigot. The conservative men that are anti-trans will also claim they are doing it to protect women and children. They have the same motivating politics, which is that they hate trans people.
I hope Parker Posey slaps the shit out of this Posie Parker asshole.
If nothing else, pro-choice is, in fact, the middle ground.
I can only guess someone saw the variety of theoretical and philosophical “what if we did to anti-abortion protesters what they do to patients, staff, and clinics” statements and concluded it meant we were going to start harassing, assaulting, and killing people in cold blood.
About 2/3 of porn is deeply hostile to women.
The only people I know who have ever intervened are women. Men will pretend that “protecting the women” is part of their masculinity trip but really most of them are cowards.
A security partition between front and back would’ve helped, and cameras inside the car as well. Y’know, like taxis. Oh, but I guess treating ride’share’ companies like the cab businesses they are takes away the disruptoridesharennovation spirit.
Uh, I’m guessing that many of them had planned to mentor young women. They also planned to fuck them tho.
I’d love to know how many of these men were going to mentor women *in the first fucking place*. My guess is none of them.