Nothing gets that declining birth rate back up like some forced sterilizations.
On a related note:
Holy crap $233, with insurance? How? Here in the UK they’d just give it to you and tell you to pop back if you needed any more.
You could have just not typed this out, you know. What the fuck was the point? Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ, people like you are why we can’t have nice things.
Insurance companies, the wealthiest elite and the troglodytic “privatize everything” crowd that support them are the cancer that is causing our health industry to implode with junk plans, shit deductibles and life threatening debt. And yet somehow that all makes us more “free.” That’s the kind of smug, smirking…
None of this is ok, yet all of it is normal.
You didn’t read the article did you.
Yet you look through the comments and see so many women saying “Omg I agree” you must wonder if it only seems like hyper-analyzing if you’ve never had to deal with it before.
I’ve read and re-read this article, and I simply do not understand how, knowing what we know about the Catholic Church then and now, this disgusting, horrific institution has any right or authority to raise concerns over the welfare of children.
I am so glad you posted about this. I read those quotes last night and wanted to throttle him.
Forced birthers want unwanted pregnancies to be punishment for having sex outside marriage. That’s why they oppose proper sex ed, because if you know how to use contraception you can avoid your “punishment” of pregnancy. Or why many people will allow an abortion in the case of rape, because that person didn’t agree to…
This is learned helplessness and it’s something you need to fight. I understand being very scared of being alone with a baby, especially if you didn’t particularly have a lot of experience watching babies before you had one. But you grit your teeth and fake your way through it and the kid lives, your wife doesn’t go…
What public figure from among these religious zealots alive today has come the closest to admitting all this bullshit is simply to control women. That women are only meant to serve limited purposes compared to men. Who’s come the closest to publicly admitting this and dispensing with the spin?
Not even the 11th. In the 11th century, most people were living in farming communities and had a basic concept of how procreation worked from a really young age.
I shouldn’t even have to ask you to pick your clothes up off the floor and put your coffee mug in the dishwasher!
“I didn’t have much experience of how to organize domesticity.”
While reading the article and the comments, I couldn’t help but think: How much you wanna bet the guys who say children do better with a mother and a father are the sort of guys who think child care is the purview of the mother?
From the interview, it seems to look like she won’t leave the kids with him because he’s a useless stump. People do agree to manage their lives in certain ways (I hate laundry, my boyfriend hates making travel plans) but I can’t imagine any woman, or any human, would choose to be tethered to their homebase/children…
2/10 homophobic troll.