this guy has Zero Cool, too bad so many people have had to waste their time Dealing with him.
this guy has Zero Cool, too bad so many people have had to waste their time Dealing with him.
the biggest bottle of Rose Jam shower gel Lush had in stock. Stuff only comes around at Christmas and I’ve arrived to empty shelves for the last 2 years. Not this time!!
She is one with the Force, the Force is with her.
I regret that I have but one star to give. Legit snorted.
Not that it particularly matters, but what the fuck is with these losers’ obsession with the trappings of German white supremacy? They’re like fucking weaboos, but for Germany instead of Japan.
Down with the Cool Girls already.
one of the best episodes
“No better than they should be”, I’m sure.
“The Times noted that the father is himself a registered sex offender for a child molestation conviction”
Stars for Kay Scarpetta
Eh, mine always sting a little. Nothing about having someone swab yer cervix is ever going to be 100% comfortable, I think.
My favorite way of dealing with people who do that is to say “Sorry, did you say something?” just loudly enough for everyone in the immediate vicinity to hear, and when they answer in the negative finish off with “yeah, that’s what I thought”.
T’Pol was one of the worst things about the series. I don’t have anything against fanservice, but that’s all her character even is.
“...but court papers created by her and Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid in June 2015 state that Calgaro had made it clear to her daughter that she had no wish to see her, and made no legal attempt to keep her at home, despite knowing where she resides.”
“unnamed low-level employee” strikes again.
Haagen Dazs has put out their holiday flavors. The white russian has actual vodka, which I think we can all appreciate.
“sentient hate-balloon” and “malignant corn chip” are my faves.
Yeah, it would be Glenmore Landing. I have a friend still in Calgary whose dad proudly displays photos of himself & King Steve at the Saddledome, I don’t know that they’ve spoken since Trudeau was elected.
I have to say, while I sometimes roll my eyes at Trudeau’s “handsome nerd” schtick, I wouldn’t trade him in. As for our former PM, makes me wonder if anyone’s checking up on him. Who knows what he could be up to.