Gnomi Malone

Yeah, in the 1950s they would have kept it classier. Something like:
"Bosoms on the ground" or
"Buxom broad bombs bad guys"

No, it is not true. That is not a thing.

Thank you! Definitely the most attention getting costume I've ever worn- every few feet people would stop us to ask for photos. The Kryolan makeup, wig and matching gray tone clothes were about $40 total (expensive to me but maybe not to most people when it comes to costumes... I am cheap).

Inexpensive gender-switch

Rats- if you don't have the original warranty I was going to say you might be able to get a free fix from the person who installed it (something similar happened to me when the installation guy didn't attach some hoses correctly, he had to cover the repairs and pay for the damage to some belongings in the vicinity).

To add to PeteRR's question of who you bought it from- who installed it?

Grayscale costume again. Spent a good amount of money on the fancy gray body makeup and gray wig a couple years ago, probably gonna keep doing this until the makeup is gone so it doesn't go to waste. In a new city, so no one around here will know I'm recycling my costume. Shhhhh....

How many years ago was that? Was she worried about heroin or a different drug at the time?

And what about all those patrons who choose to express themselves in a way that is simultaneously stylish and hilarious? Must they remove their propeller-topped skullcaps to dine at this establishment?

I don't think I could name another white person with hair like that, either. Been staring at his highlighted corkscrew curls and racking my brain for anyone else with JT hair... I've got nothing.

I blame it on Centralia.

That's really interesting, I also appreciate you sharing your experience.

You will probably be able to answer the nerdy question I had after reading the article: what do you actually call those $5 and $10 bags when you are buying one? Do they have nicknames or do you just ask for a "Five/Ten dollar bag" ?

From the

Huh? External genitalia are organs. Organs (internal or external) =/ enticing cookies. I stand by this assertion.

Cookies shaped like any human organ is pretty gross. Chocolate chip lungs, peanut butter livers, rainbow sprinkled bladders, shortbread small intestines = fucking ew.

And some sort of time warp where he turns 32 over and over and over.

Wait, the NBC article says it was a hospital bracelet (as in he was recently admitted to the hospital), not a medical bracelet (like the ones people wear for medical issues ie allergies/diabetes/pacemakers).

Seriously. Ari Schwartz and are telling me one thing, Point Break and Keanu Reeves are telling me another. I don't know what to believe anymore.

I've always wondered how DB Cooper got away with his infamous plane hijack/mid-air escape. Now I know. He wasn't "tying something around his waist" before he jumped, he was masturbating his way to freedom.

Cannot believe this picture of the old Pledge of Allegiance salute wasn't included in the OP, it's the best:

I'm a woman who has been pregnant and I still can't tell from a glance whether someone is pregnant or just apple-shaped. Especially from certain angles. There are tons of stories on Jezebel from women who have been asked "When are you due?" when they aren't/have never been pregnant. And a lot of pregnant women don't

Stanford Prison Experiment (if anyone wants to read more about it).