
Only because you haven’t seen his maintenance bills. I shopped for V70R’s for a while but ultimately came to the conclusion that there is a pretty sizable list of not-insignificant costs that are a matter of “when, not if” if you want to keep them in good shape.

You missed Justine’s point completely on the crash tests. The Guilia was delayed due to (among other things) the initial design having poor crash results. The fact that you cite today’s, post-redesign European crash results has absolutely nothing to do with the time required for a redesign. Remember also that US

Was probably a V6 with an exhaust.

Literally, the only thing trumpet is actually experienced at; running things into the ground, turning IOU’s into FU’s and smiling his sad, empty, trash grin as he waddles on to set the next dumpster fire. Buckle up trash america, it’s time to get great again.

Trump has promised to unlock $50 billion a year by killing 2013’s federal budget sequestration, but the rest of the increase would have to come through taxed economic growth or other federal programs—or both. In the latter case, he’ll have to sell two arguments—why defense spending needs to be increased, and why it

A lot of commentators and the writer are expecting limited slips to work like lockers. They dont, this is normal.

Obama graduated from Harvard Law School, became a civil rights attorney, taught constitutional law at University of Chicago, and served as an Illinois Senator for six years before he became President. That’s quite a bit of education and experience, I’d say.

I have a degree in Political Science and Economics. While earning that degree, I interned for a former Chairman of the U.S. House appropriations committee and the Parliamentary Special Secretary for the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Then I earned a law degree. Mapping the contours of executive, legislative, and

But that is what is happening already, people are sharing whatever they want to share and its complete bullshit that is being passed as credible. I can’t tell you how many completely dumb and inaccurate stories I see on my newsfeed daily.

I’ve been saying this for years. Downsizing and turbo charging are really just for testing purposes.

I have friends that grew up in the 80s in LA that believe CARB doesn’t do anything. I mean, remember those days growing up when we couldn’t even go outside because the smog was so bad? We haven’t had any of those days in years. Try to guess why...

Keep chanting that strict regulations is strangling America. Deregulation. Deregulation. What’s the worst that could happen?

I’m mystified that people would complain about this. It’s a pretty sweet deal. You get to trade in your car for what it was worth over a year ago, with assumed “clean” value (you know you car isn’t really NADA clean) PLUS a big cash payment. A lot of people are going to get to trade in their 4-5 year old cars for

Bitter? Yeah, bitter. Apparently you don’t know much about this car.

apply the brake before cutting off the vehicle.


Toyota. Watered to the Hydrant.

Toyota: Let’s Go Places We Shouldn’t

Normally I agree that both people share some fault, and yes the situation could have been “avoided” if the camera car simply let him in... so I guess I do agree, but considering how many things the i8 driver was doing wrong, I’d have been tempted to do the same thing (except actually let him hit me.) The i8 driver did