
I submit that Nascar has a troll race. Prius’s only, driven by multi-racial people all along the gender spectrum with EU flags instead of American ones.

I don’t like the fake drive in crap they out in their car. The plastic tray window hanger with fake food. You know nobody eats in the car, so why pretend you’re at a fast food joint or drive in.

What’s worse than a time-out doll? Two time-out dolls.

This trend ranks up there as well...

Uber is not “subsidizing” it’s drivers - let’s make that clear. If anything drivers are the ones subsidizing Uber since they provide the vehicle and bear the cost of phone bills, insurance, maintenance, gas, and depreciation. Uber has essentially no overhead to pay except for its legislative legal agenda. The

He’s wearing a Shelby Cobra shirt, he’s not afraid of a BMW.

Awesome. True story - a friend of mine was driving home, along a stretch of road that is:
-Speed limit 25
-HEAVILY used by pedestrians and cyclists
-Equally heavily patrolled by humorless traffic officers.
Said friend was being tailgated while doing 25. Friend waits until just before that alley where a cop is often

Oklahoma City’s C&C typically has a patrol car or two hanging out near the main entrance. The vast majority of participants had always played by the rules, but morons will be morons. A couple years ago we were treated to the sounds of high RPM burnout coming from the road as a car left and two seconds later we heard a

Agreed. Last year I bought a used truck with 100,000 miles on it.

How is two new drive units in 100k considered holding up well? That’s like saying “My two year old (insert any brand car here) has held up well, other than needing two new motors in 100k miles”

I guess you could say the crowd WAS ON AUTOPILOT

I would suggest the following to everyone in the neighborhood: Look at the big white trailer like a Tesla would and you won’t see it anymore... Problem solved

I think this is the first time that Tesla in anyway has made a comment about reviewers and 3rd parties not using the feature correctly. I guess the buzz from reviewers playing chess are no longer helping with sales.

When [Modest Mouse lead singer Isaac] Brock left the scene he backed into a cop car, but he just drove off. Sometimes life is okay.

A lot of people who wanted new cars have already bought one. The market is becoming over-saturated. Post recessions booms don’t last forever.

28,000 kilometers is like 5 miles.

Yes. And the driver and autopilot and autobraking watched it and did nothing.

Hyping up a company to shareholders, paying yourself a lot and selling your other company to it, only to have the house of cards come crashing down could be considered very evil.

fascinated by the venn diagram plotting those who can afford a 75-100k car, pokemon go players, people who publish incriminating evidence of themselves.