
You are a journalist. This comment is a report. Gizmodo is a sovereign state. Your analogy is seamless.

Shouldn’t Israel be held to a higher standard than say non-democratic countries in the region? Or have we just given up the entire facade that Israel is a functioning democracy?

“not respecting people’s right to assemble is something that is dangerous and leads to suppression of people’s voices”

We all know Apple’s game by now. Wait in the wings while all of the other companies fuck up while trying to innovate, and then, just when it seems almost too late, introduce a product that does the same thing as everybody else’s product, but better.

The Trump administration doesnt care about people, be they citizens, illegals, or just visitors. That should be clearly evident by now.

You mean the sixth movie in Iron Man’s continuity, which leveraged years’ worth of character development?

I agree with all of your points. Spot on! And everyone is assuming that the “They” that stole her life is Section 9/the people who borg-ed her out. I would love to see them turn that on it’s head and the “They” she refers to be the terrorists who caused her organic body to be damaged beyond saving, thus giving her

I love GitS, but let’s be honest here. The movie and the tv serieses feature long stretches where people do nothing but give hackneyed dialog over topics that while perhaps interesting 20 or 30 years ago, are so well-troddened to the point of cliched now.

Would you have liked it if Marvel had turned Iron Man into a shadowy, mysterious vigilante motivated by the murder of his parents by a street robber when he was a kid?

Aside from the manga (which is goofy in it’s own right) - there is no original canon as every medium and take on GitS takes place in a different continuity

Ignoring the original canon? Check

That’s how it should have been.

Having spent 7 years working in a steakhouse, I can attest that there are exactly two kinds of adults who eat steak like this:

Why would I call someone racist for stating that most people who are on welfare can’t find work and lack education/training/experience to make employers seek to hire them?

This is so deliciously good.

Agreed fuck all the states that voted trump and Republican.

It may not be impossible, but it would be very stupid.

Chance of that being true? Zero.