
Sure, but with a more direct democracy model those in the cities will lead.

You’d have more power as a separate nation able to control the import and export of goods from lesser America.

I understand your position and I sympathize, but whenever states like California try to work for the common good we get pissed all over. If you don’t like not being like California, it is up to you to elect people that will emulate California. We can lead by example, but we are out of patience to continue bailing

OOOooooOOOooooo... Someone is butt hurt. Being a progressive doesn’t mean not using things like natural gas - it means being committed to building up alternative energy capacity and mitigating the impacts of natural gas plants to the extent possible. Which California does do.

Yup. You’d have allies with Oregon and Washington too. With us, you’d control virtually all shipping of imports coming from China and South East Asia going into the Trumpanzeeistan.

Wow. That’s still a shit deal. T-Mobile has free SMS and free international data for all post-paid customers. Tried and tested in at least 10 different countries, so far.