Because not buying Apple stuff would REALLY help the economy...
Because not buying Apple stuff would REALLY help the economy...
Yea, props to all the people who aren't capable of moving on to a better browser...
I stopped playing game consoles when the real world caught up with me and games got too complex... where is NHL 1996 when you need it. Tablets have brought back some of the simplicity that I once enjoyed, being someone who doesn't have hours and/or days to sit in front of a TV playing.
I stopped playing game consoles when the real world caught up with me and games got too complex... where is NHL 1996 when you need it. Tablets have brought back some of the simplicity that I once enjoyed, being someone who doesn't have hours and/or days to sit in front of a TV playing.
AT&T did have every right to start calling their network 4G after t-mobile did basically the same... but neither should have been allowed. I have yet to see real 4G speeds of any advantage over my 3G iPhone 4, yet there area lot of proud Android owners who say "4G!" like its the best feature of their new phone...…
Who is Bon Jovi? I guess he said this a generation too late... moron.
Xoom has been p0wned... as if we thought the outcome would be any different.
Xoom p0wned by the iPad... as if we actually thought it would be anything different.
Bwahahaha.. everyone thinks its just Apple, but the reality is flash does suck - its just people that dislike Apple make excuses for it. This kind of hypocrisy is hilarious.
Article fail... don't you check other people's blogs to see how this thing is outperforming everything else? Seriously... fail.
The Xoom is only an iPad killer with the 15 year old rooting crowd... those fooled by "open" and those that would rather do nothing on an overclocked device than do something on one that actually works.
You could have a company CEO tell us all their product sucks, yet the Fandroids will *still* defend them to the death.
It will be an endless project.. .whatever they start now will be outdated in 6 months, so they will adjust.. then 6 months later again... and again... 2008 in 2018?
Rumor monger AND can't do math. But hey, he know how to root phone, he cool...
You obviously "get it"... or not. Maybe check trends, your poor PC just lost more value... again...
Someone's worried their Xoom just got out classed by the iPad.. again. Come fall the real knock-out punch.
Fanboy that can appreciate the humor. It is too bad so many people don't get the idea of buying something and enjoying it, for whatever reason (be it magical elfs, empty rooms, hype, or heck even that the product is fun to use)
Awesome article. Its good to know there are people using their imagination, stacking tools together to make life easy. I use Sabnzbd and the SABCommand app on my iPad all the time, as well as the Sabnzbd extension for google chrome. Newzbin and the rest combined with a great usenet service like giganews and you…
I hear if you root and overclock your Xoom you can get .10% of Google's fail back.
Fraaagggmmee nnnttaaa ttiiooo nnnnn