Hate pretzels and beer? Wow, everyone must want to hang around with you... ;-)
Hate pretzels and beer? Wow, everyone must want to hang around with you... ;-)
Rumors rumors rumors... what is this, OK magazine? Shame...
Actually they were the ones that exposed this issue on all phones... so yea, they at least don't lie...
How many times have people flipped out at Apple over something that probably ended up being some dude on their app team that rejected something because he had a bad day.
It affects me, the consumer, by giving me better and easier subscription models within iOS. I will buy MORE due to this, and companies that don't whine to get free use of expensive real estate will get my cash.
Go back to your parents basement and play more D&D, Fandroid...
I spent a boatload last year, now am waiting to upgrade our 2 iPads, iPhones, and buy a new iMac 27" for my wife... possibly another MBA. Apple will get my money eventually this year...
No great loss here... you'll just keep better battery life and avoid ads is all. Don't let that stop you from buying this overpriced unit.
The thing is, their subscription model is GOOD for the consumer. What about it pushes consumers anywhere other than into an easy way to get good content.
Zune... seriously? I thought only Microsoft employees bought that crap.
So true. Why are so many people so ignorant of this. APple has a business to run - most people aren't capable of understanding that. I guess if they can't pirate it or get it free, they will complain.
Me thinks Gizmodo is interpreting it wrong. But whatever gets you ad revenue...
This would have been news like a week ago...
This would have been news like a week ago...
NIce try, but FAIL
People aren't generally ready for cloud yet. I have people hating on the iPad because they treat it like a PC. Cloud takes a new way of thinking that many can't grasp and/or aren't willing to learn.
Already a dozen apps way more powerful than this for iOS.. but it says a lot that Fandroids think this is unique or awesome..
When its devices become so crappy that it actually needs one to sell its devices?