
Almost a week later and it seems the idiots at iLounge did their best to start something but failed, probably because nobody is dumb enough to buy this as being important... not even our Grandma's old Consumer Reports...though I have no doubt they will do their best to discredit the king of phones.

Android is now too boring and too common. There's no excitement, no flash, nothing to set one apart from the other (while at the same time each one is fragmentationally different) WP7 is a real beginners OS right now... boring even... but with Nokia and Microsoft maybe there is more to the story yet. If iOS did

I love how a simple statement by someone in corporate Sony begins as a speculation from one blog all the way to reality from another. Dumb A$$ Blogs.

Your post is too flippin' long... nobody will read this.

Its not a good time to be comparing anything. The iPad is out, its King... the Galaxie tab is a jester waiting to be hung... everything else is a first attempt to Apples next generation iPad 2, which will dominate again in 2011. 2012 is another story.

Bad advice. You can always sell an Apple product on eBay and make back your $. Why wait until ... what.. APril? Did someone promise the new iPad is coming out in April?

Here come the thoughtless comments about lawsuits or government involvement. Shows which commenters here are 15 and which ones are mature and know better... this is not a lawsuit thing, its a company deciding how they want to run their company.

@edlover75: I hear stores like Target or Wallmart demand a cut of the merchandise they sell. I hear they also can select which ones they sell and which ones they do not.

How many native tablet apps are available in the 5,000 google app stores that are out there...?

I just love how many Fandroid clueless trolls there are out tonight.

@nosebleed: One more idiot that doesn't realize you can just sell the device on eBay for a profit and buy the new phone.

@nachobel TOTORO!: why? Don't you know you can sell an iPhone on ebay for MORE than you paid? Try this with a plastic Android phone.. meh, you're lucky to get $50 out of one of those crappy devices.

@albokay: yea but you can actually sell the iPhone 4 on ebay and MAKE money.. so yea, Apple is the only company making devices that hold their value so well no time is a bad time to buy.

to everyone that said Apple should have waited for the macbook air and SB... na na na na naaaa naaaa... they made the right choice, people love the MBA and they are selling like hotcakes.

And one year ago.. the iPad. I guess Jan 27 is for game changers.

@Tyrunn: People talk like having fans a bad thing... don't get it.

@UgoBogdan: I'm guessing the same goes for the comment areas of these blogs.

@Canon7D-Fanboy: I'll try getting an appointment for some attention at the Google store and see where that gets me. Hmmm...

@JimmyBanks: apparently its not working for Apple. er... oh yea, it is. :rolls eyes: