A year late and a few hundred $ overpriced.
A year late and a few hundred $ overpriced.
@ThePhysician: Seriously, you are touting number of units sold? Is that all you got? Or are you telling me each one of those buyers is rooting their phones on Friday night... I think you need to re-read my comment.
@MazdaMania: follow up - I agree but only to a certain extent. I have a lot of buddies who root their Android phones and fly the "open" flag... but you know what, the average consumer does not do that nor do they much care.
@MazdaMania: I actually agree with you.
@morphoyle: right but when you go after a consumer ad...
Once again techies read way too far into what is a consumer ad. Do you think the average consumer cares if the buttons are spaced slightly different? I think sometimes blogs and commenters need to think a little more about the audience and not overanalyze things so much. Its why Apple is so dang popular despite…