Google fail.
Google fail.
Same reason no good looking girls buy Android phones... geek sausage fest!
Freedom... on a Google platform... meh..
At least you didn't post the 300lb. beast that tried this with an Android tablet.... cuz she bought one of the 2 or 3 that have actually sold.
They should just outlaw the disgusting stupid habit and be done with it... then again where else are we going to get moron tax $ to help build our sports stadiums.
Open FTW... :rolls eyes:
It does? I have to type it once, then can update and install all I want... eventually it will ask again, but why would anyone want it to unlock permanently.
Megavideo? It seems like thats stretching. Sure there are some sites that haven't matured to HTML5 yet, but that list is shrinking fast. I've found you can find any video you need in HTML5 so the battery sucking flash is not needed. Most web sites with flash have HTML5 or mobile equivalents anyway. I can…
Be careful, some of these are misleading at best. Quite a few of these functions do exist, just in different formats. You could create the same video for the iPhone as the advantage for many of these.
I hear Best Buy was thinking about arming employees in line to buy the Xoom... then they realized nobody gets in line to buy that crap, so they let everyone go for the day.
Wow... late to the game and now lack of originality. Microsoft is left following Apple around grabbing up their scraps. How totally embarrassing for them.
If Amazon paid me $100... I still wouldn't take it.
And most Fandroids will continue to believe its open.. because Google says its open... showing their hypocrisy when talking smack about Apple. '
From what I can tell they aren't that far off. I'm sure there are exceptions... but seriously, most of these people didn't buy Android because its "open" (cough cough) or because they knew they could root it... they bought it because they couldn't get an iPhone on their carrier, were on sale 2 for $1 (ok maybe $50)…
Good luck with that. iOS is a hot blue eyed blond 10 compared to Androids fat ugly toothless 3. I don't understand that either - I want to be excited about Android, but I for one care about the look & feel of both device and OS, and ANdroid does neither well.
I know people who have actually become more productive because they find mindless activities to take a few minutes of their day... morning coffee, 15 minutes of Farmville... and maybe reading boring Gizmodo Android blogs full of all those wonderful Fandroids.
Fragment fail
Did people learn nothing from the last two Android failures? Yea, get all excited... just like the original Tab owners and the Xoom owners after... where are they now. Sad really.
he lost me at "this monitor..."
Because not buying Apple stuff would REALLY help the economy...